Jenna French, Cañada College
LD Northern CIG Chair
New LD CIG Southern Chair 2019-2021
The CAPED LD CIG would like to introduce Leah Silverman our new Southern CA LD CIG.
Leah joined Ventura College’s EAC team as a Learning Disabilities Specialist in February 2016. Leah was a Learning Disabilities Specialist at UCLA’s Office for Students with Disabilities for 5 years. She has her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and is a licensed clinical psychologist. Leah has experience working with various disability groups including students with Learning Disabilities, ADHD, psychological disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, and students on the Autism spectrum. Through learning disability assessments and Learning Skills Classes, Leah helps students identify their strengths and challenges in the academic environment and she develops strategies to help her students be successful.
LD CIG Fall 2019 Workshop at CAPED
At CAPED 2019, the LD CIG held a pre-conference session, “Interpretation of Learning Disability Assessments” with Patricia Charter-Flores. This full day workshop examined case studies to further develop interpretation skills in using the Intake, behavioral observations, and test results to improve student efficiency and effectiveness in learning. The session was well attended and we were honored to have her present. The LD CIG also held a business meeting at CAPED.
Award Given to Patricia Flores-Charter
During the Fall 2019 CAPED conference, the LD CIG awarded Patti an Appreciation Award for all of the years she has helped the LD field. As a part of our appreciation we created a booklet from various thank you messages from LD Cig members.
Northern LD CIG Meeting 2020
The 2020 Northern CA LD CIG Business Meeting will be during the CAPED Spring Drive-In Training on Friday April 3, 2020 at American River College (4700 College Oak Drive, Sacramento, CA 95841).
LD CIG Sponsoring Two CAPED Scholarships for 2020
The LD Cig will again sponsor two CAPED scholarships. The CIG will sponsor the Dick Griffiths Memorial and Susan Bunch Memorial Scholarships for $1,000 each. For more information about these scholarships please go to: