So, I ask you, what are the benefits of you getting involved in CAPED or pursuing a deeper professional development and connection to your state-wide organization? Would you be surprised if I answered they could be the same answers we give the students pursuing their education dreams. Hear me out.
CAPED has been preparing professionals in disability services for over almost 50 years in attaining their next career advancement, understanding the career field in changing times, as well as staying on the pulse of the rapidly changing laws, requirements, and needs of the profession. I started in the field as a front-line staff and worked my way up to my current position and never would have thought over 20 years ago I would be the CAPED President. CAPED has been offering the Directors Mentorship project for several years and has been a voice in the field for California longer than any other statewide or national organization (AHEAD). We have seen pillars in the field rise in the field, retiree and new leaders emerge over the years of service and yet CAPED has remained relevant. We have had members go on to be Deans, Vice Presidents and Presidents of colleges and Universities. We even had one member who went on to be the Undersecretary of Education appointed by President Obama. We have helped deliver countless hours of conference workshops, keynotes, trainings, and connections that have offered members and friends the ability to stand together, shoulder the work, and understand the struggles all while remaining student focused and steadfast in our commitment to serving students with disabilities in spite of the changing face of our organization.
We all remember our first conference, our first training, our first presentation and can think back and see the growth from day one to now. Our work is benefiting others in the field, not only in California but across the nation; offering fresh perspectives on best practices, and impacting the opportunities for those students we serve. We come back from conferences with renewed energy, a spark in our step, and an understanding that we are not a lone ship in the ocean but a member of a vast fleet of others making a difference and working together to benefit our students. We take ideas back to our campus, reach out to our colleagues, and ask the questions of ourselves- how can I do better? We become involved, we ask better questions, and push the envelope of advocacy not for our own benefit but for the benefit of those we serve. Those sessions, coffee talks, fleeting conversations in the hall, business card swaps; they all prepare us to meet with faculty senates, administration, and our own staff to better serve students on our campuses and collectively make a bigger impact on the field. We are not only preparing ourselves but those around us.
Through these efforts we are becoming better communicators, enhancing our critical thinking skills, navigating laws and changes in the higher education systems, dealing with creative cuts, and constantly preparing our field for when the next shift happens. We have all seen the highs and lows and know the roller coaster ride of ups and downs is never over. But CAPED has been there and continues to be there. Being part of CAPED has given me a second family, a sense of accomplishment, and I would say a stronger sense of discipline and understanding of my passion in the field. I am better at what I do daily because of how I have grown thanks to my personal development through CAPED. I have friends and colleague across the state and nation who I can call on and now they will answer or call me back at a moment’s notice because I would do the same for them. While many of my CAPED heroes can speak fondly of Steve Fasteau, Martha Canter, and many others; I am privileged to be able to speak of Lucinda Aborn, Scott Hamilton, Mark Matsui, Grace Hanson and many others as my heroes and friends. They have made a critical impact on my professional and personal development as Past Presidents and pillars in this field. Who will be our next pillars, the baton is waiting.
You all have touched my life and I am honored to be the CAPED President. I hope CAPED has made a difference for you, given you the feeling like we are all hear in this together; regardless of our institution, campus size, location, or student population; we are stronger because we are together. CAPED has given me a purpose and I hope it has added to your purpose along the way as well.
So why do I say this? You’ve gotten this far and for what. CAPED needs you! Yes YOU! As I have always repeated what I have learned from those before me CAPED is only as strong as our members. We are CAPED and CAPED needs you to sustain our development, momentum, and longevity in this field. We need our friends from CSU, UC, Private Institutions, and Community Colleges to come together and make a difference in our organization. Make it yours!!
My ask of you:
So here is the ask and there are several ways to get involved:
Send in a CAPED Conference
2020 Proposal – Present with us in South Lake Tahoe at our next Conference
October 5-9, 2020.
Click here to submit the CAPED 2020 Proposal
Help us in the planning for our 2020 Convention. We are looking for volunteers to be part of the planning team. Please contact me if you are interested or have any questions about becoming more involved. cbowman@gwc.cccd.edu
Reserve your rooms now for the CAPED 2020 Convention: A Clearer Vision For Our Future visit CAPED’s Convention Rate Page to book your hotel room (link to hotel reservation)
Get involved in the CAPED leadership. We have plenty of opportunities to get
involved. Are you interested let us know. Let me know and I will get you dialed
in. That might be in CIGs, or executive board membership, help planning a
training, or development of a new CAPED initiative. We need your help let us
know how you’d like to help.
Write an article. The Communique is a great way to share your work in the field. As a reminder, articles should be between 1-3 pages, with proper heading and title, as well as your name, college, and title. For more information e-mail capedcommunique@gmail.com
Let your voice be heard. If there is something you think we should be doing, let us know. But expect to but some action behind your request as we cannot do it without you. We want to meet the needs of our members and if you have an idea, concern, or an initiative please let us know and help us work towards the solution.
We are all aware of all the changes in the field, allocations, Math and English changes, funding issues in the UC and CSUs, etc. and we want to be the best we can. Let your voice be heard and be part of the action to making CAPED the best it can be.
We are excited to share that the February 2020 Legal Conference is sold out so stay tuned to information on the Spring Drive in to be held at American River College in April 2020. We have a fantastic agenda with Zachary Pelchat (Supervising Attorney for the Office of Civil Rights) providing our keynote of a full OCR update. We have break out sessions including discussions and presentations on Guided Pathways/AB 705, Hot topics for directors, Disability and Cultural Competence, Informed Trauma Care, and LD and Program Manager CIG meetings. Registration is on the website http://www.caped.co/2020-spring-drive-in/.
We look forward to another great year and we hope you will be part of it with CAPED.
As always let me know how I or CAPED can help. We ARE CAPED
Chad Bowman Ed.D.
CAPED President