Greetings CAPED!

Every time I request articles for submission for our upcoming CAPED Communique, I am always in awe of my colleagues and how they support students with disabilities in a post-secondary education setting. The work that we do sometimes goes unnoticed by the general population of individuals, but I can assure you, it does not go unnoticed by our students.
In this publication you will learn about identity issues of the college student with hearing loss from a first-person perspective, priority registration and why it’s important, the CAPED Mentorship program and how it support new directors for five years, amazing work!
Our feature article is a brief on a book written by: Adam S.U. Gottdank, Ph.D., Linda O’Neal, M.A., and Casey Sousa, M.S.- Transition- A Conversation with Parents, where they discuss transition for individuals with disabilities from childhood to adulthood. A very thorough read that touches on many topics and provides resources that will assist with your discussions with parents and the transitioning student entering post-secondary education. The book is a free resource, too!
In closing, I’d like to thank everyone that has supported my journey as Editor-in-Chief, have made some long-lasting friendships, but alas, my time is up. If anyone is interested in picking up the baton and becoming the new Editor-in-Chief, please connect with me or Dr. Nicole Smith- CAPED President.
Sofia Gianoutsos M.A., CRC