Greetings CAPED!
The Fall edition of the CAPED Communiqué has certainly inspired me to look beyond myself and place my focus right back on my students. The articles that have been so graciously placed in my Gmail are motivating, inspirational, and informative.
The CAPED Mentorship Program has had its 3rd successful year and you will be able to read the wonderful things they have accomplished this year. DSPS Solutions has had a busy year as well, it’s a must read! There is a detailed article on ADA and Section 508 Compliance and whose job is it to make colleges and universities compliant? We have an article on Work-Based Learning. Also, something that gets pushed under the rug, but needs to see the light- Sexual Health and Disability.
We thought that we’d try something different in this publication. We have a feature Article from Mr. Ali Kian- “I am Like You”. He does not work at a CCC or University, at this time, but volunteers with an organization called: A Touch of Understanding, where he visits all elementary schools in Sacramento and surrounding cities to show his artwork, videos, and speaks to the students about disability and mind-set. He also works two days a week for the Turning Point Community Program, TPCP. He is currently working on his dissertation for his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and focusing on his health. His story is beautiful and inspiring.
I am so thankful to be surrounded by brilliant minds whose focus is on the needs of others. Thanks to our Managing editors; Brian Brautigam and Adrian Gonzalez for making the CAPED Communiqué possible! Looking forward to spending another great Convention with everyone in beautiful Long Beach CA! I have a feeling it will go above and beyond expectations!
Sofia Gianoutsos, M.A., CRC
Counselor- Veterans Academic Support Services
Moreno Valley College