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October 2021 Executive Board Minutes

October 4, 2021


Lake Tahoe CAPED convention

Eboard attendance: Nicole Smith, Dawn Decker, Keith Ellis, Malia Flood, Shaun Smith, Darren Walters, Bree Kennedy (in proxy for Stormy Miller), Chad Bowman, Mark Matsui, Adam Gottdank, Alina Sala, and Krystle Taylor.

A. Welcome, Introductions, and Call to Order

  • Approval of the Minutes from Feb 2021
  • Motion: Alina; Second: Keith (all in favor, no abstentions)

Please join the citrus band in tomorrow mornings breakfast. Also, please consider the fundraiser night, it is a magic show!

-Introductions of eboard members names, positions in the field, and position within caped

B. Approve Budget

Budget will be sent out electronically

-Projected expenses about 90K and take in about 65K;

-vote tabled until info can be emailed out

-hope to get votes before business meeting

Bree: could a projection be put together for the business meeting for the learning series?

Nicole: yes, that is a great idea and can be put together

C. Member fees- Dawn

-$80/year for membership fees, at least since 2008. It has never been raised. Discussion has been had to raise membership fees. Professional fees from $80-$90 Emeritus from $40-$45 student from $18-$20, starting 2022/2023 academic year.

CIG fees are determined by CIGS, this is not something we will touch

– retroactive to October 2021, library fees ($18/year) have been halted since communique is no longer printed and distributed via mail.

-$240 institutional membership, since Sean has been in his position, we have only had one sign up. It is not used enough/have enough interest, so we will be discontinuing that moving forward.

-Danielle and Chad are going to be working on a membership drive, especially for those that did not come to convention. Including an automatic reminder when membership comes due in October.

D. Virtual trainings- Dawn

-discussions about monthly virtual trainings with discounted costs for members and/or include membership costs in the fees for the virtual trainings.

-people really liked the virtual options, but thought to pivot it to a virtual training series rather than a full convention all day long.

-more meetings throughout the year and the one full conference.

Nicole: any concerns or questions about the proposed? We want to keep CAPED solvent and encourage more participation. We have had to work to bring CAPED up to where it needs to be with the IRS, and wanting to be honest with the membership.

-engage with CIGS to participate in the monthly virtual presentations; professional/advocacy needs to be done monthly/bimonthly to push this forward.

(All in favor; no abstain or nays)

E. Title V revision- Chad

Allocations don’t have to be included in title V. I am formally representing CAPED as the representative. I wanted to formally recognize those that have really kept us ready and moving forward. The chancellor has stated things they wanted to propose and we countered.

The archaic system for funding based on disability. ADHD gets x amount and DHH gets all the money in the world plus the match. So we wanted to know if we really have the ability to look at this, and the answer was yes. We will be filtering everything back through DSPS advisor board. We don’t want to sign off on something and then everyone hate us. But as things evolve, I will be bringing it back. Ferrer and Higginbotham are involved heavily with this. We are not making the decision but rather helping to facilitate the discussion.

Nicole: there have been some emails circulating that there have been secret or sidebar meetings with the Chancellor office. But I wanted to clarify that there have been none of those taking place. We are very transparent and have not been meeting or side barring with the chancellor’s office.

Distance Education

Chad: eventually we want to propose the support, and did formally write to the board of governors. And it wasn’t sent to everyone because it was the same one that Bree sent out to everyone. All we did is send that email off stating we are in support of that and it was the exact same email that was already sent out to everyone. They accepted all of our changes without any revisions and are now in the 15 day window of comments. Need to formally support that recommendation for Distance Education recommendations. But we are in support and there was nothing different so we are supporting the Title V regulations for DE.

Bree: this is a perfect example of the collaboration of CAPED with others in the field.

Chad: Will be formally sending it out to support those changes.

F. Statewide committee appointment process (DSPS advisory)- Bree

Regional coordinators have been dissolved.

DSPS statewide advisory is the new group.

Action item:

Establish a process for the CAPED rep to chancellor’s office. An appointment processes. Currently we do not have one in place. A proposed idea has been made and the action item is to agree to establish a process. Includes more details about the responsibilities and roles for that appointed person.

Nicole: there is nothing in the bylaws hat discuss this process, there is no term limit, it has historically been appointed by the CAPED president. But we would like a more formal and transparent process. DEETAC (Thad) has stepped down and we will need a new representative.

Bree: Motion to propose a process for committee appointment is created and implemented in the bylaws that Eboard would approve

Motion: Keith; second: dawn

Discussion: NA; (all in favor; no abstentions or Nays)

G. Legislative advocacy: FACCC consultations proposal (DSPS statewide advisory)-Bree

Action item:

Related to advocacy. Really needed in regards to budget change process moving forward. Consulted with EOPS and how they have been so successful. Need legislative consultants that can be partnered with.

DSPS directors meeting on past Friday: how many would be willing to participate in events for fundraising. About 85% said yes!

Can we invite them to eboard meeting to present what they can do with us in the future?

Nicole: I don’t think that is an action item, just need to be organized because we haven’t committed to anything yet.

FACCC costs 20k and we just don’t have the financial stability for that right now.

Bree: I think there are different cost levels. As a consultant should be less whereas the 20k that EOPS pays, pays for them to be more running the show.

Nicole: I think it would be fantastic to have them come in and present the options and what is all involved. Let’s work with either you (Bree) or Stormy to get them on the next eboard agenda.

Student Engagement and Advocacy Chair position is needed- all voted in favor of this position on the eboard.

H.  Officer Updates

  • President: we have 4 open positions
    • DHH CIG North;
    • Conference Chair for 2022 potentially looking at Marina Del Rey or look at San Diego or Santa Barbara;
    • Executive Assistant needed ASAP; it is a lot of work; Shaun is willing to train them. $4,500/quarter. Need to provide convention support and CVENT (in contact for a few more years and then will look at other options).
    • DEETAC representative needed ASAP; will get the additional information needed to vote on for this position
    • Communique chair

If you know anyone please encourage them. It has been tough, a lot of people have volunteered and then pulled back.

Eboard agenda will be on the website and referring people to the website to try and get people used to referencing the website.

  • President Elect-advance
  • Legislative Chair

AB375: allows adjunct faculty to increase up to 85 FTE, currently sitting to be signed.

Higher Ed Budget Trailer bill: has the money for housing 50% goes to community colleges; removal of selective service

Nicole: thank you for all your efforts, I know it has been a tough couple of years. Being available to meet with people and answer all of the questions and I love your understanding and dedication to the law. It is really great and it is important for those that are not as knowledgeable. Thank you so much!

  • Past president: Danielle and I are leaving as well as Dawn. So we will be doing a membership push for those that did not come to CAPED. DSPS directors call on Friday was held and push for people to be members even if not able to attend conference.
    • Membership Chair
  • VP Committees: Krystle Taylor
    • Elections: Darren Walters is the new VP of CIGS and Dawn Decker has been re-elected as Treasurer.
  • Scholarship chair: identified areas to really examine and explore opportunities. Website crash happened but where able to figure out how to redownload/resubmit applications. Got nearly double the applications compared to last year. Looking to change the scholarship information on the website of what to submit, how to submit, etc. to be clearer on the website for students looking to apply. A couple people potentially interested in starting a new scholarship. Awarded 11 scholarships this year. We have one student recipient here and will be present at the president’s reception tomorrow.
  • Awards/Elections chair: Scott brown; Noticing the nomination ballots hat get sent out. Recent years was google forms but want to be clear with the needed information for nominations and the details for nominations. We have been discussing modifications. We are awarding 7 awards and will get to acknowledge them at the president’s reception as well.
  • Futures chair: found the committee in the bylaws; we need to make this a little more robust. There are people that don’t really understand their roles.

Nicole: when I was secretary I tried to divvy out the job duties but I think it just got kind of lost. I think it is important for people to understand the roles and responsibilities.

  • Communiqué chair: Sofia is stepping down
  • Historian chair: Adrian; getting approval and updating equipment. Needed new battery for camera to be able to do the pictures.

Dawn: what is our return? If we are spending $240/year for photo hosting maybe we need to look to dropbox or another area. I know Adrian was hoping people would buy photos and use that as a revenue stream but I don’t think it has been very fruitful. So I think we need to revisit that approval of $240 for photo hosting.

Nicole: if we have already approved it then we should try and push it this year and see what happens and then not approve again for the next year.

Dawn: we need to ask Adrian for the data

Shawn: perhaps that suite that Mark is looking at could house photos as well.

  • VP CIGs
  • APE
  • Access Tech: (Keith) no updates, only been in this role for 3 months.
  • ID/ASD: (Adam) was more proactive for sponsored activities over the last couple years. Meeting every other month. A meeting to go and talk to share information. Hosted some focus groups this past year. Webinars featured a lot of people in the field, was really nice. Hoping to get some statewide endorsement for best practices.
  • Program management: sent in annual report; surveyed membership for ideas of professional development
  • Counseling and Career/ Veterans: (Daren)
  • LD
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

CAPED website:

How can we use the website to increase interest in the organization? Working with DSPS solutions and having content that brings people to the website. The website could be used more as a hub for state wide advocacy, whereas now it is used more just to register for convention.

Dawn: this was a huge discussion when we originally met with DSPS solutions. If we know that there was a lot of foot traffic on the DSPS solutions website, then we would want to replicate that for the CAPED site for people/organizations to access for resources.

Bree: opportunity for people to purchase “tool kits” or access to resources for those not within the higher ed institute and/or members

Nicole: potential email set up to website rather than specific people with a “gmail” account. Hosting things within the website. Not general members to have a caped email but members like fiscal coordinator, e-board member, etc. so there isn’t a loss of logins when roles are passed along.

Nicole: If there is an additional cost then we will bring this back to a vote.

For those that have not been to BOG meetings it is important for people to understand the passionate stories of student experiences. Holding trainings to help lead the advocacy. Perhaps a student engagement chair to be on the eboard.

This could benefit the colleges at the local level to have trained advocates as well.

Nicole: motion to have chair for student engagement as another member of the eboard to help support training for student advocacy and disability at the college level.

I. E-Board Member Updates

  • CMP Updates: will be in the annual report
  • Fiscal Coordinator/Executive Assistant: (Shawn) this is my first convention and we have had to rebuild everything so there may be a couple flaws. But I will do what went right vs wrong to hopefully make it smoother next year with CVENT.
  • Had an issue with non-profit status. Fees weren’t paid for 2018 or 2019. So issues from the past are all being rectified but that is just one of those things to create a checklist and procedures that need to be done. Hopefully when it is handed over to the next person it will be good and not encounter problems like this again. Thank you everyone, Dawn/Julie, for all the work and support.

Nicole: wanted to formally thank Shaun to take this on and put forth the work that was needed. He was graciously willing to step in but please encourage and find someone to take this on.

  • Regional Coordinator chair update: (Bree)
  • CSU chair: (not present) Jodi Johnson
  • UC chair: (not present) Wil Francis is taking on this role

J. Additional Items

Nicole:  Meeting adjourned at 7:16pm